Table of Contents
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. This includes information from web pages, books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks, or any other medium.
When you hear about famous scholars getting in trouble for plagiarism, it usually means they copied exact sentences or almost-exact sentences and phrases from someone else and did not include a footnote or quotation marks or any kind of indication that the words were not their own.
In college, this is also the case, but there are other ways to commit plagiarism besides copying someone else’s work. It is also considered plagiarism when students turn in papers that they obtained by purchase, hire, or any other method outside of composing the work themselves. Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s writing or conversation.
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The main point is that when you incorporate anyone else’s words or ideas into your work, you simply need to give them credit and provide your audience with information on how to find the source.
Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person’s work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper, presentation, speech, etc.
It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. Failing to properly quote, cite, or acknowledge someone else’s words or ideas is plagiarism (Source Credit: Noreen Reale Falcone Library).
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Top 10 FREE Online Plagiarism Checkers
This is the list of the top ten best free online plagiarism checkers that will
1. Plagiarism Checker X
Plagiarism Checker X helps you check plagiarism in your research papers, blogs, assignments, and websites. With higher speed and accuracy, you can easily check your text similarity in just a few seconds.
2. ProWritingAid
Check your work against over a billion web pages, published works, and academic papers to be sure of its originality. Run the plagiarism report through the online editing tool, or our Microsoft Word Add-In. Beware of free plagiarism-checking services. Always read the fine print, as they may resell your text to others. ProWritingAid never stores, shares, or resells your text.
3. PapersOwl
PapersOwl free plagiarism tool is a widely used tool for checking plagiarism. This application can detect plagiarism from numerous web pages. It helps you to know whether your text contains duplicate content or not.
If you need to check your essay for plagiarism, you can use the PapersOwl online plagiarism checker. We provide this service free of charge to anyone. It is an effective and accurate tool that will scan your document and compare its text with a mass of online material for plagiarism.
Once complete, the results show a percentage of plagiarized work and highlight the offending areas. You can also download a detailed report. If you have pending work, why not upload your files and click on the check now button to start the process?
4. CopyScape
Articles that you purchase may have been copied or stolen from other sites. Publishing them on your site can damage your reputation and ruin your search engine rankings. Protect yourself by verifying all new content with Copyscape Premium, the web’s leading solution for originality checking.
With the click of a button, anyone in the world can copy your content and republish it on their site, stealing your visitors and your revenue. Copysentry scans the web daily for copies of your content, emailing you whenever new copies are found.
5. Copyleaks
Detect plagiarism, paraphrased content, and similar text using sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithms in 100+ languages with our online anti-plagiarism software. It is fast, accurate, and fully automated.
Copyleaks can compare text online and perform extensive searches across the internet and various databases to find similar content, present only relevant results, and help you stay protected against plagiarism.
6. Plagscan
Plagscan is a free online plagiarism tool that checks the authenticity of a text with just a couple of clicks. Our Plagiarism Detection software works with all common file formats. The PlagScan Report is adaptable to your needs. Whether you need a printable PDF file or want to collaborate with others in an interactive browser report – PlagScan can do it while being easy to use.
7. Unicheck
Another Plagiarism tool that works for free is Unicheck. With its extensive toolset and clear layout, Unicheck is undoubtedly one of the best options for anyone who wants their text to be perfectly authentic. By combining both technological excellence and intuitive design, Unicheck helps to achieve authenticity instead of simply pointing out similarities.
8. Quetext
Quetext’s plagiarism checker analyzes your text to identify plagiarism, resolve other writing issues, and build citations with ease. You wouldn’t want to write without it.
9. BibMe
BibMe is an easy-to-use tool that enables you to check plagiarism in the document. It allows you to input content from your computer or Google Drive.
10. SmallSEOTools
SmallSEOTools is a tool for checking plagiarism in any content. It is one of the best plagiarism checker-free tools which allows you to upload .rtf, ex, .doc, .pdf,.txt, .docx, and .odt files. This software can check numerous web pages for duplicate text. SmallSEOTools enables you to effortlessly exclude specific URLs.